Born in Siena, he is a Post Doctoral researcher at University of Siena. His main research interests are centred on the evolution of human behaviour investigated through the archaezoological and taphonomic studies of faunal remains, with a particular interest in Palaeolithic-Mesolithic assemblages in Eurasia. Oltre a the degree in Natural Science and a Phd In Prehistory, Environmental and Cultures, he holds a degree in in Science and Technology of Cosmetic and Herbal products and a II level post-lauream Master in Applied Phytotherapy at the University of Siena
For these reasons he is interested generally in the evolution of diet, subsistence strategies, and processing technologies
of natural products adopted by the hunter-gatherers and first farmers in the past. His studies are involved in several national and international projects regarding to the relationship between human-environment in the past and he’s author of many scientific publications. He is also developing new protocols for the application of 3D microscopy to the study of the Cultural Heritage.
Jacopo is a passionate of Tuscany Folk Musicmusician and he plays double-bass, and guitar in his group called “La
Serpe d’Oro”. At SIS he holds scientific courses regarding to several disciplines : Ecology, Archaeology, Paleontology, Botany, Phitotherapy and Chemical of Food.