Born in Siena, Italy Antonella attended the Università degli Studi di Siena: M.A. in Modern Literature with a Modern Languages focus. Antonella holds the DITALS specialization in teaching Italian as a second language from the Università per Stranieri di Siena as well as a Master in Italianistica (Università “Gabriele D’Annunzio”, Pescara).
She worked as a professor at the Università per Stranieri di Siena for more than a decade. Antonella has published many texts on the acquisition of Italian as second language: she is co-author, for example, of Dimmi Tutto!, Affresco italiano – 6 books, Le Monnier, Caccia ai tesori – Loescher, Il Buongustare – Loescher, Lo stivale di moda – Loescher. She is also co-author of a text on the FICCS instructional approach called “L’educazione riflessiva interculturale: L’approccio FICCS allo studio della lingua e cultura italiana” – Carocci. She also has published several articles about the acquisition of the Italian language.
She is President of the Nuova Associazione Culturale Ulisse; at SIS, she teaches Italian language, Art History and Italian Literature.
Antonella also holds a Master in “Filosofia orientale e comparativa” (Scuola Superiore di Filosofia Orientale e Comparativa – Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”). She attended many courses of Indian Philosophy and she regularly teaches Hatha Yoga (degree from Efoa –European Federation of Oriental Arts).